Friday, April 4, 2025, 6.00pm to 10.00pm CDT
Please join us to renew old ties, forge new ones, and welcome new Scholars, at
The 83rd Annual Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race Dinner
Friday, April 4, 2025
The University Club of Chicago, 76 East Monroe Street (at Michigan Avenue), Chicago, Illinois Cash bar: 6:00 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. Black Tie Optional.
We look forward to seeing you there!!
Our evening’s Guest of Honor will be:
Charles C.W. Cooke LMH '04
National Review Senior Writer
The Charles C.W. Cooke Podcast
And we will be welcoming:
Mr. Richard Hyde
H.M. Consul General for Chicago
Michael J. Dickenson, Christ’s ’69, will preside and report on The Boat Race
If you have not received an email invitation for this event directly, but would like to receive future invitations, please communicate your email address to us. Please let us know of any Oxford or Cambridge men or women who have come to this area recently, so we may invite them to the Dinner.
Booking information
To pay via Venmo go to @James-Dunlop-23, and include your dinner preference and other details requested below, or send these to jamesdunlop1@gmail.com. The price is $175 per person.
To pay online via Eventbrite, click the registration link below. Please note that paying via Eventbrite will incur a convenience fee.
To pay by check, please complete the form HERE and mail as instructed with a check for $175 per person.
You must indicate your dinner preference. On-site substitutions will not be allowed. Seating is limited. Please register by Friday, March 28, 2025.
We are grateful for any contribution you make beyond the price of dinner, which allows us to maintain our tradition of subsidizing the ticket price for new Scholars. We also welcome contributions from members who cannot attend. Contributions may only be made via Venmo or by check.
Booking for this event will close on Friday, March 28, 2025, 12.15am EDT.